First Look: PokeTalk service offers free calling with no equipment
If you want to be able to take advantage of VoIP technology to make phone calls without having to worry about signing up for monthly service or buying special equipment, then you may…
View ArticleVonage goes global with new plan and voicemail becomes readable
In the face of increased competition from cable and telecommunication companies Vonage has raised its bar of service yet again. The company has announced the additional of unlimited international...
View ArticleSprint offers unlimited calling to other U.S. network
Sprint is bumping up its competition against other wireless carriers, especially those who offer calling circles. Calling circles usually allows a subscriber to make unlimited calls to a limited group...
View ArticleVonage launches Vonage Mobile
Vonage has entered a new market through the release of a new calling application for the iPhone, BlackBerry, and the iPod touch. Vonage’s primary business is offering a VoIP-based home phone service...
View ArticleFacebook might be working on VoIP calling ahead of Facebook Phone push
Facebook is already the most popular social network on Earth, and it’s instant message and IM systems are so relied upon that Facebook will soon be opening them up by doling out official…
View ArticleVonage Extensions offers cheap international calling from any phone
Vonage already offers its customers very competitive flat-rate unlimited calling. But apparently the company feels that making those calls from phones attached to your Vonage router (or the company’s...
View ArticleNTSB recommends outright ban on cellphones for drivers
Driving and texting don’t mix. Driving while holding a phone to your ear isn’t a good idea either. But what about hands-free conversations and phone actions? If the National Transportation Safety Board...
View ArticleWhat it would take for Verizon to go pure LTE?
We’ve finally reached a point where it looks like all four major US carriers have decided to push LTE to their entire network over the next few years. Now that the data part…
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